Sponsor: European Union
Type: Open, international, RFP
30 Sept 2006 - Submission deadline
Eligibility: Design professionals within European Union countries
1st Prize - 6,000 euros
Design Challenge:
The European Commission is holding the "Happy Birthday EU" competition for creation of a logo and a slogan to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome in 2007. The logo and slogan must represent the concept of Europe-wide cooperation in general and the future of the European Union in particular. The logo will be used in publications, films, posters and other promotional material, also on the Internet. The Commission and all other European institutions will use the winning logo in all events held to celebrate the 50th anniversary in 2007.
Additional Information:
Media Consulta International Holding AG
Wassergasse 3
D-10179 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 65 0000
Fax: +49 65 000 150