the syndicate
  i love this word.again
" generally used, the word [venacular] suggests something countrified, homemade, traditional. as used in connection with architecture, it indicates the traditonal rural or small-town dwelling, the dwelling of the farmer or craftsman or wage earner. current definitions of the word usually suggest that the vernacular dwelling is designed by craftsman, no an architect, that is built with local techniques, local materials, and with the local environment in mind: it's climate, its traditons, its economy--predominantly agricultural. such a dwelling does not pretend to stylistic sophistication. it is loyal to local forms and rarely accepts innovations from outside the region. it is not subject to fashion and is little influenced by history in its wider sense. that is why the word [TIMELESS] is much used in descriptions of vernacular building." -J.B: Jackson

i understand what you mean by "timeless"...i accept this form only. we need to argue more
you don't think builders can make "timeless" space? ha...they have been doing it just as long as architects champ. your little outburst has made me realise your stale, and unexciting. i'm glad your school has brainwashed you into some state neo-classicism. that's fantastic that your ego has out sized your ethics @ this point...i do feel sorry for you. break out of your box, and start thinking on your own.
Let's not resort to slander here please, we are all above it. Syndicate, follow your own advice and stick to the topic at hand.
i just like making you kids react. this is the fire i'm talking about. it's just funny to me how as architecture students we take ourselves so seriously. it makes me laugh. ha. i enjoy diffrent opinions on theory/thought. i don't feel like i need to justify why i do this...this forum is a mode of discussion not a pressing of your own thought. don't get ritchious on me. open your mind. obviously this topic is a sensitive one... we all know our stance...let's move on, please.
timeless is an opininon.

anyway to describe a space, is
going to be based on one's own thoughts and reactions.
i wish i could spell. insert [opinion] where i put opininon
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