the syndicate
  model[me] as nerdy as this sounds: i want better selection of model supplies. even for being out here for a couple months...they rock w/ their materials. why can't we have a better selection @ varney's? i say...outside bulk distribution. not go thru varney' are our issues with this rant. last year AIAs tried to do that very thing (go independent and save the students some cash on supplies)...shot down under first attempt to get funding from our department. regardless of the savings it would carry on to the students the the college was opposed to any thoughts of that. reason: varney's funds our department on some arch. evening. our dpt. doesn't want to cut bad blood w/ them...for that reason? perhaps...why are they not supporting us? breaking deals? i want revolution damit. i want support. i want multi layers of foam.
yea, see...better facilities makes for happy students. we need that shop. we will get that shop.
does anybody remember some talk last year of a mafia material arrangement. why don't we just get together and make our own underground supply from a wholesaler, keep the shit in studio, inventory has to be kept of course and we find out what is gonna be the material of highest demand. we can sell this slightly above cost but still cheaper than varney's and, big plus, you might even be able to get it at four in the morning the day before a deadline.
that's what i'm saying baby. issues will arise with storage and "borrowing" and what not...but details / details.
I know that someone tried to sell stuff out of studio a few years ago, but was shut down because he didn't have a license to run a business or some technical bullshit.

On regards to model building, the uni that I'm at here has a workshop that ALL the students can use, not just IA or those working in design build. We pay for that stuff to be there, we should be allowed to use it. Definetly a legitimite point we can raise.
What if we veil it as a mandatory donation based organization. Do they really have the balls to shut down a charity?
Good thought DJ, could work.
this was the seller that we were thinking about using in AIAs. bree actually was about to spear head it until we got cut by the admin. i say second round.
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