the syndicate
  selfish indulgence
i want more gallery space/time for our department.
i want more collective gatherings to celebrate our work.

here are images that i find relate to my ideal:





images extracted frombartlett school of designthey have it down
not to point out the obvious but we could just use the new crit space as a indie/student gallery to display some work within seaton. say throw it on the wall on a thursday night. let people view it all day fri & throught the weekend. projects sketches and art work people we know are doing. just put it on the wall and see what happens.
HEY then post flyers poiting the way to the dope ass reception at some warehouse we could rent or squat in. could be cool. get danton to spin for us OH YEAH!
we will be called pompus pricks for displaying our own work but if we include enough people and do it as nonpartisan as possible [get the la ia people involved.] let students deciede who gets shit displayed. do it like once a month.
haha, unfortunately we don't have the cash that the Bartlett's got (they're all pompus pricks too though, so we've got that in common), but I am diggin your idea gabe. It can be sort of like an impromptou display of student creativity. We can do it without the colleges authority, just sort of throw a party down there some night! Jeez, we had always talked about throwing a rave down there before they remodeled it, now we can actually do it!!! Down with the administration!!! Fuck the government!!!
settle down sam
haha.i think sams excited again. yea gabe...epic thoughts! danton spins? i like the idea about having the students decide the visuals. yes...we are pompus pricks.
i think we should suit this up. great idea tommy. ideally i'd like to see anything that students could pin up. i.e. photography, art, graphics, poetry, finger painting, short stories, contemp, modern, anything. the more anonomous it is about how it gets up and displayed the better. we could even go as far as giving out a theme and then have two days to express that idea. pin up what you got, see what others have.
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