the syndicate
  what defines success in architecture?
is it defined by how much people like your work?

how much architects like your work?

how much $ you make?

how many time you have been published?

how many times sam has had wet dreams about your work?

or is it something deaper?
I'm going to have to go with the wet dreams on this one, Gabe...

No, I think success can only truly be measured by yourself, and different things are going to matter for different people. Some people may be into public works and making a building that responds to social conditions, while others may enjoy creating enviornmentally responsible buildings that will help to ensure a stable enviornment for future generations. But whatever it is that matters to people, I think it comes down to being happy with yourself and your life. You have do do what matters to you and follow your dreams. I think that if you don't compromise your architectural beliefs and remain true to your goal, you will find success; not measured by what other people think, but what you think. So yeah, if you want a Bimmer rollin on 20's and want other people to like your work, then sure, I guess that will make you happy. But for me it is following your dreams and making it sound as cheesy as possible. I sure hope I accomplished that last part.
thanks sam.
...and don't worry you'll grow out of it just like i did, the other day.

no really i think if you are doing positive work that makes you happy and you can still afford food and shelter [and in my case raise a family and still get drunk]then you are successful.
it's all about your ethics. i have to be able to goto sleep @ night knowing i did the right thing.
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