sam...i'm not even going to go there w/ your last comment. haha.
best: fantastic location, the projects are amazing, we are a very strong and talented team, they trust me with way too much.
worst: sometimes i feel like they just want to retire. maybe it is b/c i'm fresh outta school, but i feel like i'm the one who wants to market the firm more than they do. i have no business skills, but i get worried that one day the work will just stop...and we are all jacked, i want to meet more clients/professionals who care about good design and have the same mantra as myself.
Hi boys! I thought I'd contribute, too, if that's all right.
best: my boss says "we don't work for rich people", which is mostly true. the office is in a fabulous neighborhood. we do modest residential projects, to which we bring a 'crisp' aesthetic. i get to wear many hats. small, small firm. my boss operates the firm in the same way i think one should work.
worst: i miss the social interaction of retail - only 3 people in the office. i'm not sure i want to be a traditional architect. we don't get as many clients who appreciate modern design as much as we do. we have alot of difficult clients right now. we don't do any work for poor people.