the syndicate
  Shigeru Ban
Well, on Tuesday I went to see him lecture @ the Cooper Union. I have heard his name before, but never really got to see much of his work. Overall, I would have to say that I was pretty impressed. His buildings are all white, in the Spanish/Meier style, but they always had some sort of innovate feature, be it a giant garage door that opens and closes or a curtain that wraps around the building acting as a "curtain wall." One thing that he is famous for that didn't really do much for me was using paper tubes as building materials. Some of his later structural work with them was pretty impressive, but I guess the asethetic of them didn't really get me off much. Plus, I heard he would cheat too by filling them with concrete. Nonetheless, it was very interesting and I recommend that all of you check out his work if you haven't.

Oh, he also has a wide variety of work, from super lux houses to a lot of temporary relief housing for refugees and poorer people. Good call.
nice sammy.
i heard that they had disassembled that 'paper tube' church in Kobe. did they talk about that @ all? i think they link it on their website.

any more images of their temp relief housing? i found this thread:
that might have some examples of it. i think some of the studios' work is a bit 'safe' in the larger context of the problem/general idea.
I also heard that if you read the OZ Journal Vol 28 pp 18-19 you can check out some of his work as well :)

thanks mr. mckee!!! <3
any time sambo!
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