the syndicate
  i love this word.again
" generally used, the word [venacular] suggests something countrified, homemade, traditional. as used in connection with architecture, it indicates the traditonal rural or small-town dwelling, the dwelling of the farmer or craftsman or wage earner. current definitions of the word usually suggest that the vernacular dwelling is designed by craftsman, no an architect, that is built with local techniques, local materials, and with the local environment in mind: it's climate, its traditons, its economy--predominantly agricultural. such a dwelling does not pretend to stylistic sophistication. it is loyal to local forms and rarely accepts innovations from outside the region. it is not subject to fashion and is little influenced by history in its wider sense. that is why the word [TIMELESS] is much used in descriptions of vernacular building." -J.B: Jackson

i understand what you mean by "timeless"...i accept this form only. we need to argue more
  mis.use @ other schools
what are issues debated at other schools? this can help our cause.
  Fashionable Architecture
What does everyone think about this idea, will architecture always follow the fashion of the times, or is it above all of the changing trends of the day. Is good architecture truely timeless as they say, and if so, what are some examples?
  New Clock Tower
Apparently they have almost finshed the fantastic new clock tower that will be sitting outside of Seaton. There's a link below, but it sure looks like ass to me. Gotta love the Powercat.
  model[me] as nerdy as this sounds: i want better selection of model supplies. even for being out here for a couple months...they rock w/ their materials. why can't we have a better selection @ varney's? i say...outside bulk distribution. not go thru varney' are our issues with this rant. last year AIAs tried to do that very thing (go independent and save the students some cash on supplies)...shot down under first attempt to get funding from our department. regardless of the savings it would carry on to the students the the college was opposed to any thoughts of that. reason: varney's funds our department on some arch. evening. our dpt. doesn't want to cut bad blood w/ them...for that reason? perhaps...why are they not supporting us? breaking deals? i want revolution damit. i want support. i want multi layers of foam.
  other arch. hits][outside of our college

nothing evoking, just interesting. i'm curious as to what the worlds perception of ksu arch. is. i have heard some funny shit in my years...even funnier from being over here. time to change that.
  Current Events
Please post all current events at Kansas State University in this thread.
  is there a chance?
word on the vine is that "biller" is departing. due to multiple reasons...any more background on this?
  wh[y] can't i work w/ artists.
why are we not collaborating? [OUR] profession is fully integrated w/ the colaboration between multiple sources.
why is [OUR] department introverted? i want to collaborate with others when i want to. and see what happens.
experiment me!

[space-time is a hybridisation arising from the juxtapositions of such local energy densities (or masses) populating the universe. the projections of this complex world may be seen by us like shadows on a wall. in our 3d world some of the information is lost but we can imagine its intricacy] -cecil balmond
  item :three "mama said knock you out"
all i know, all i know...i'm the disco [infill]trator 4sho.

ok. so we have issues. how are we going to show them that we know about their shit. i find it very interesting that so many issues came to surface right before we all departed. i believe that they know that [ouryear] is a strong one. both in involvement and our "rock star" abilities to swoon the student body. therefore: a structured group of us need to take iniciative and speak for the body @ large.

-we have a short time to make impacts
-impacts must be swift and clean
-flyers, manifestos, full infiltration of our faculity governing body (Dsac, AIAs, NOMAS, ASAB, Dean Advisory Board, etc....)

what is our platform? get bloggin.

"Destruction, terror, and mayhem
Pass me a sissy so suckas I'll slay him"
  item :two
design build? please elDO where are you kids @ now. more alumni support perhaps? no...- MORE STUDENT PROTESTS
  item :one
what the fuck happend w/ the KC structure? i thought it was semi-perminant?
  mama said knock you out
full [infill]tration of our faculity
including and not limited to:

-flyers, manifestos, full infiltration of our faculity boards (Dsac, AIAs, ASAB, NOMAS, Deans Student Advisory Board, etc.)

what is our platform?

why did so many things change while we were in europe? (we are a strong voice...they know this)

we need to be the v.oice for the students.
  a group of persons or concerns who combine to carry out a particular transaction
this is the start

04.2005 / 05.2005 / 06.2005 / 07.2005 / 08.2005 / 10.2005 / 11.2005 / 05.2006 / 06.2006 / 07.2006 / 08.2006 / 11.2006 / 12.2006 / 02.2007 / 01.2008 / 02.2008 / 06.2008 / 07.2008 / 02.2010 /

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